Saturday, May 12, 2012

Final Presentation

Final video reflection to the course cyberculture:
This blog is created as study work reflection on digital space for the course cyberculture and creation digital graphics (CIBERCULTURA Y CREACIÓN DIGITAL DE ELEMENTOS GRÁFICOS).  As you can see the blog its profile is fully dedicated to the central theme of the course activities. Therefore, based on the course work and the teacher guide, I have started to post my exposure, experience and suggestion upon studying of the course.
My very first posting started from the scratch, and goes to the digital cause for friendship with my neighbor called New. He is 3years old from Lao. I was surprised to see his interest to play car racing game in my Sumsang mobile, and mostly became highly surprised and immersed in the virtual world of the game. According to his father who witnessed looking his son happy and busy said, “my son looks so interested and attracted playing the virtual game, as he didn’t have the chance back in his home country”, after this I continued to the line of cyber culture thoughts, innovations, users and creators participation, creation and digitizing culture by navigate some of the cyber space and some literature review.

I have then started posting on the blog based on the course brainstorming questions. Therefore, my first post begins with the conceptual definition of cyber culture. I have clearly understood that the definition of cyberculture is forwarded by many individual or organizations in the globe based on their experience, professional attachment, and exposure as creators or users in the digital spaces. For this reason, based on the literatures and personal exposure on the digital environment, I have summarized my understanding of cyber culture as to the post you can see here. Never the less, the various data you could retrieve from the internet either in image, video, journal, or else has also proved conceptually broad dimensions of cyberculture issue.
The second post is on the positive and negative sides of cyberculture as it continued to be utilized and developed. I forwarded what it could mean from my personal experience in the digital spaces, but after all it’s depends on the perspectives we use to see the emerging cyberculture nature and characteristics. Therefore, in my opinion, I have decided to look cyberculture from the contribution it has brought to the development of human being. Hence, I have stated my ideas in determination to the interrelationship of human elements and cyberculture. Normally in what so ever we may try to see the positive and negative impact of the cyberculture, we may not reach an inclusive description of cyberculture, for the very fact that cyberculture is in a dynamic and boundryless rapid evolvements and characterized in multidimensional nature.
Third post was on the representative of today’s society as users and creators of cyberculture. As the question is asking a personal perspective and understanding to visualize the cybersociety in current times, i have indicated the images and their core messages there. Therefore, my images revolve around the product of new technological innovations like software programs (social networking, search engines, and educational platforms), hardware (a daily re-modification of computer tools), and human networking and connectivity. In the same approach, I have also uploaded the videos I think would describe the current society’s technological involvement and newly emerging concepts, solutions and devices.

When I read the question of 30 years ahead technological future imagination, I was directly moved to the video my friend has shown me on the future innovation of high technological application using glass by one of the glass factory. In my opinion, that fits to the course question and has helped me a lot to imagine the future easily. Of course, the current rapid technological development has a good insight to help us anticipate what the technology in 30 years from now will look like. Consequently, I have recreated the daily story of a women (called-Abeba) will have been in 2042.

This is all about my blog, but as i found it interseting to discover more on the same concept, cyberculture, i will keep posting on this blog. Therefore, you all are well come commenting and suggesting to my posts.

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