Saturday, May 12, 2012

Final Presentation

Final video reflection to the course cyberculture:
This blog is created as study work reflection on digital space for the course cyberculture and creation digital graphics (CIBERCULTURA Y CREACIÓN DIGITAL DE ELEMENTOS GRÁFICOS).  As you can see the blog its profile is fully dedicated to the central theme of the course activities. Therefore, based on the course work and the teacher guide, I have started to post my exposure, experience and suggestion upon studying of the course.
My very first posting started from the scratch, and goes to the digital cause for friendship with my neighbor called New. He is 3years old from Lao. I was surprised to see his interest to play car racing game in my Sumsang mobile, and mostly became highly surprised and immersed in the virtual world of the game. According to his father who witnessed looking his son happy and busy said, “my son looks so interested and attracted playing the virtual game, as he didn’t have the chance back in his home country”, after this I continued to the line of cyber culture thoughts, innovations, users and creators participation, creation and digitizing culture by navigate some of the cyber space and some literature review.

I have then started posting on the blog based on the course brainstorming questions. Therefore, my first post begins with the conceptual definition of cyber culture. I have clearly understood that the definition of cyberculture is forwarded by many individual or organizations in the globe based on their experience, professional attachment, and exposure as creators or users in the digital spaces. For this reason, based on the literatures and personal exposure on the digital environment, I have summarized my understanding of cyber culture as to the post you can see here. Never the less, the various data you could retrieve from the internet either in image, video, journal, or else has also proved conceptually broad dimensions of cyberculture issue.
The second post is on the positive and negative sides of cyberculture as it continued to be utilized and developed. I forwarded what it could mean from my personal experience in the digital spaces, but after all it’s depends on the perspectives we use to see the emerging cyberculture nature and characteristics. Therefore, in my opinion, I have decided to look cyberculture from the contribution it has brought to the development of human being. Hence, I have stated my ideas in determination to the interrelationship of human elements and cyberculture. Normally in what so ever we may try to see the positive and negative impact of the cyberculture, we may not reach an inclusive description of cyberculture, for the very fact that cyberculture is in a dynamic and boundryless rapid evolvements and characterized in multidimensional nature.
Third post was on the representative of today’s society as users and creators of cyberculture. As the question is asking a personal perspective and understanding to visualize the cybersociety in current times, i have indicated the images and their core messages there. Therefore, my images revolve around the product of new technological innovations like software programs (social networking, search engines, and educational platforms), hardware (a daily re-modification of computer tools), and human networking and connectivity. In the same approach, I have also uploaded the videos I think would describe the current society’s technological involvement and newly emerging concepts, solutions and devices.

When I read the question of 30 years ahead technological future imagination, I was directly moved to the video my friend has shown me on the future innovation of high technological application using glass by one of the glass factory. In my opinion, that fits to the course question and has helped me a lot to imagine the future easily. Of course, the current rapid technological development has a good insight to help us anticipate what the technology in 30 years from now will look like. Consequently, I have recreated the daily story of a women (called-Abeba) will have been in 2042.

This is all about my blog, but as i found it interseting to discover more on the same concept, cyberculture, i will keep posting on this blog. Therefore, you all are well come commenting and suggesting to my posts.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A day in the future of technolife:

This is a story of Selam after 30 years from now and the technological communication, collaboration, and connectivity was much more than we can image this time.
She was still sleeping until 7:15 am in the morning. Her ipad which works by the rays of sunlight was on, charging battery from the sun coming through the window of her house. Automatically, the ipad has started to display on a ray formulated between the device and the air, it was projecting the daily time, weather condition and messages she had after she went to bed. It was then during this time that she was yawning to wake up.  

Some minutes later she wake up and started checking her ipad like device made from glass. She then, clicked to display all the messages to the wall of her room. She then has seen all pieces of information, weather forecast, image messages sent, and so on. Based on the weather forecast she started to choose closes that siute to the daily weather.

After dressing, she took all necessary school materials and headed to her father’s car. The car was also designed and featured by timely technological application devices that can make communication, news, entertainment or generally life so comfortable. Her father came in started the engine and opened her favorite music by pressing the touch music device on the car. Then he drove her to school using the shortest route so that Selam reach there on time.

Selam sat in her classroom, but surprisingly, the notebook computer we use now was changed into an ipad made of glass the same was the blackboard. Everything coming out of the glass display blackboard was like the computer screen we use to display different colored images, text, video or graphics. Then, the teacher dragged her finger on one side of the wall to turn the lights of and display the session discussion topic on the round table for students’ demonstration. Whereas, Selam was playing with her ipad glass, navigating images recorded on natural environment, zoo, and parks. She and her friend decided to go to that park and visit the various live wild animals or get information on some wild animals like dragon which has distinct from the earth many years ago. Once they reaches in the park( zoo like), they were briefed about the various wild animal information from the zoo keeper on a mirror like touch slide on some of them. They, then start discovering foot prints of the animals and record using the ipad for more information about it on internet. They can also check more information from the disc like devices installed inside the jungle, with possibilities to copy to their ipad easily.

They have then started watching what they record in the zoo in their home using the room wall as bigger screen. They drag the data from the ipad to the mirror wall for bigger screen display.

Really amazing future.

Lucky generation!


A video from youtube: Uploaded by CorningIncorporated : Internet < [Accessed on Feb 3, 2012]

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

google search stories video creator

Hi guys, i was navigating here and there within the site of google and immersed in one of the application to create a narrative short video story using google. Everything is from google, you can select information from google in video, map, blog, book, news or else, add music and post. The easiest way to create a video narration using data from google and simple production and edition tools. you got to try this, if you didn't know for sure and i am sure you will like it so much. Here is the video and enjoy it:

Monday, May 7, 2012

Digital spaces for communication and learning

Information seeking using search engines and social networking

 These days the social networking and search engines have advanced itself in a way that users can utilize the data anywhere, anytime and in robust way. People use their mobile or Pcs to retrieve information in any of the formats they require, i mean in image, video, link, or combination of them. Isn't it so awesome to find data in any of the information utilization style( audio, image, visual, or audiovisual)??? I know these social networkings or search engines are much more than anybody can explain of them. However, Considering as part of the cyberculture spaces, i have tried to produce a video in a description of the features and subproducts of the search engines. Cyber societies are intercommunicating to each other based on the digital tools and features of information enabled by such social networkings. Hence, i would be glad to hear any of your comments and criticism for my post.

video:Information seeking using SEs


Thanks to the digital spaces, that has changed the classroom learning time to everywhere learning time. The hew technological innovation has come up with the possibilities of learning where you are. You have only need to create a digital spaces synchronized with technological device(Pcs, laptop pr mobile) and workable application program. No more compromization to space and time, thanks to internet connection, computerization and digital data codification that has simplified actual learning into everywhere is learning. Therefore, as a means of expanding the learning environments, Mobile devices are playing a great role. Mobile, a very handy, easy to take it everywhere, is now helping individuals to run personal learning possible. A lot of projects including Billget's foundation, even in Africa have assured immense possibilities to run mobile learning. Consequently, videos like this are  viral teaching videos on mobile learning application programs.

 Enjoy the video

New advanced google Coming soon 

I was so fascinated on the new project of google. As it's in development stage,  i can only see how advanced technological communication and information utilization looks like. In this time, it really looks will advance our information utilization and analysis into more simple, fastest and smooth. In my opinion, the information utilization per time equals amount of activities accomplished will be so fast. Therefore, we can be every were virtually and navigate the world in a fraction of seconds. I don't know how adequate the information age can be described, it's as huge as the universe. if you want to exaggirate than what i have said to the new project of google, wacth the video here.

Finally, like usual i will be happy to receiving to your comments

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The role of technology in transforming social culture

Since the broad innovation of technological concepts, many parts of our life have changed than ever before.  We can see an extensive perspectives of  the concept of ICT being integrated in most of our socio-cultural daily life. For instance, the role of new technological application for individual and group information exchange could be indicated by some of the social networkings that assist us to retrieve, repost, mushup and deliver information among networked community.  

Not only software but also the hard ware technology is being advancing from day to day. If we see on some of the hardware technology that help us to navigate, play, view, type, or listen, they seem to be multitasking devices. For instance, mouse aren’t only to navigate, but also to play, pause, forward and back ward and so on. The new technology have embodied most of our sense organ concepts into technological devices so that human machine interaction and interface will be full-fledged and more closer communication. The following picture shows us the newly reinvented devices of ICT.

Nobody can forget the products from the fertile mind and creativity of Steve Jobs Apple product. I myself am not the fun of apple products but I want to extend my admiration of his works that has come out with more advanced tools of interacting with the virtual world than we do in real world. We can mention a lot of them, for instance, iphone, mac computer, ipad, ipod, mp4, mp3 and so on.

Some digital technologies has become an ordinary equipment of daily use. For example, I have Sumsang galaxy, therefore, using this device I can do a lot of things that used to be done separately, I used to require different time and place, may be you need to send the file from one device to other. From camera to laptop, or from phone camera to internet connected computer and so on. However, right now we have witnessed the development of a single device that can perform multiple tasks, like I can take a picture using my phone, edit it, attach text and post it immediately to internet. The same task is also possible by Ipad, or other similar phones.

As I have tried to explain earlier, the role of technology in our daily life is much more than I can describe in a five or else images. What I mean is, technology has rooted down itself with the dimensions of most human elements, social, cultural, communication, politics( to speak out freedom, liberty, democracy) , educational(teaching and learning context), and so on. As an example from the features and formats of information visualization aspect, i would be very much enthusiastic to show the image of 3D application, like the eyeglass, projetctor and new branded sets of TVs convenient to display 3D data. 

Therefore, though these are some among all, like me, exposed on such technological experience, research has shown the impact of technology in sociocultural is out of control for its innovation and emergence is daily, perhaps, every hour, and world widely. 

your suggestion and criticism regarding to this is highly appreciated,


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Positive and negative of cyberculture

The emergence and growth of cyberculture and cyberspace has changed the life of individuals into much better, les difficulty and cooperative way. Thanks to the digital tools, softwares, or programs that made our business, education, communication or else so easy, fast and intercooperative. However, it was not with limitations, we opt to choose integrating it with its limitations and with an intention to minimize using the technology itself. Therefore, here I will mention the positive and negative part of the cyberculture as we tend to use it.

The positive point of cyberculture either as part of practical user or analyser seems, like;

(Source from Google)
·        Connectivity which leads us to:
o   Information sharing and exchange for many reasons
o   Cooperative work among societies internationally or nationall in various meaningful perspective;
§   Educational perspective
·        Elearning ( online learning, bleded learning, computer assisted learning and other technology assisted facilities)
§  Socio-cultural exchange
o   couchsurfing, hospitality and so on
§  Making campaign in any of the world dimensions, including presidential election, climate change issue, free nuclear zone, and natural disaster( e.g. Japan fukishima)
§  Gathering the voice of national or international protesters, demonstrators and get the attention of concerned organizations. What we have seen in Tunisia, Egypt, and so on prodemocracy protest could be a representative example.
§  For communication purpose,
·        Blogging, emailing social networking, chatting and skyping are multiple and optional way of communication
§  Educational purpose; reusable learning materials production, management, and repository systems
In general, eventhough I have tried to mention some of the essentialness of the cyberspaces, in broader sense, its detailed advantage is much more than possible to mention, as almost we are fully integrated into the digital areas. However, in contrary to the positive outcome of digital space and culture, we are also entertaining the negative, limitation; of the technology with an intention the technology will solve technological limitations. Consequently, similar to some criticizers, in my opinion, some of the negative parts of the cyberculture will be;
·        The question of privacy, mostly social networking(facebook and twitter) and youngsters who tend to use all its features
·        The digital safety:
o   Intellectual property rights
o   Cyber crimes and so on
·        Too crowded online information which made it quiet confusing for users
·        Digital divide, the domination of wealth nations and people who has full access(have’s and have not’s)
·        Digital ethical problems
·        Information toxication and so on

Look the video, cyber indentity